Help Repair a Roof Cistern in Mexico

5 Jun

Help Repair a Roof Cistern in Mexico

Last year, UFS  volunteers were given a great opportunity to travel to the Tashirat orphanage, in the outskirts of Mexico City, Mexico. After returning from the trip, the volunteers realized that they gained a lot from the experience and it was time to give back.

The orphanage does not receive running ground water and instead rainwater is caught on cisterns on the building roof during the rainy season. However, the largest cistern that has a capacity of 380,000 liters (about 100,000 gallons) is damaged. During the past rainy season (June – Sept 2012) they lost about one-third of their total water supply. It would be very costly to have trucks transport water to their location.

We are collecting funds so they can build a a new roof for the cistern as soon as possible. We typically overlook our very basic amenities like running water but for these children it is not readily available. Please spread the word about this cause and donate. We thank you on behalf of the Tashirat children!

Click here to donate online and learn more about this project.


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